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FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... 2021_m10
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 FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres...

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3 participants
Alain Vmax
Alain Vmax

Nombre de messages : 1797
Age : 56
LOCALISATION (ville/city) : Québec - Québec
VOS PRODUITS YAMAHA : Motoneige, Motocross, Vtt
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2006

FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... Empty
MessageSujet: FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres...   FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... EmptyMer 02 Mai 2007, 21:27


Bien voici finalement l'explication :content: de la dimension du réservoir FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... Padrole2 et pourquoi Yamaha ne fourniront pas de réservoir plus gros pour les modèles FX Nytro pour les sentiers :quoi:

Tirer du BLOG de Christ Reed voici le texte....
Malheureusement :triste1: il est en anglais, si vous avez des problèmes faites signe puis on essaiera de vous résumez les propos de Christ en français :réfléchi2:

Bonne Lecture

FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... 19933241

Alain Vmax

Lets start with our fuel capacity right across the line. We have reduced the capacity in all our sleds (just a little) but not for the reasons of a lighter wet weight as has been suggested. What really happened is a result of something much greater. EPA regulations have become more stringent including the ones covering fuel-tank permeability or fuel lost to the atmosphere through evaporation. We have had to change the property and thickness of the fuel tanks to reduce the amount of loss and in the process, lost some capacity.

Now lets look at the FX Nytro and its smaller 27 liter tank. The capacity fits the concept of a lightweight bump sled (don’t forget the Nytro weighs the same as the current (non-XP) skidoo REV which has been the ‘holy grail’ of bump-sleds for many riders since 03). We know there is a demand for a larger ‘touring’ type fuel tank and we moved forward to see if we could build one for OE replacement. The conclusion is: we tried and we simply cannot… Why?

As a large international company, we must show due diligence with regards to product compliance regulations and ensure our products pass all the required tests. I took a very quick look at the tests for fuel tanks which are performed by third party, government approved agencies like US Testing Inc. according to SSCC standards to determine compliance. Here’s some of the details. A fuel tank must exceed its rated capacity by a minimum of 10% to allow for expansion (hence the sleeve in the filler neck). The tank must pass a drop test where it is filled full of fuel, sealed, cooled to -40F then dropped from a distance of four feet onto a smooth surface. Next the test is repeated after heating the full tank to +140F before being dropped. It is then sealed and weighed full of fuel and stored for 30 days in a controlled environment before being weighed a second time. It must not loose more than 3% of its weight due to permeation. Then there is a sunlight / UV test which determines the level of opaque, a pressure test, a brittleness test and a thermal cracking test. I probably missed a couple more but you get the picture… If it fails any of the above, it doesn’t go on a Yamaha.

We are now communicating with some after-market vendors who may be interested in producing some fuel tanks for special niche or competition markets. They would be responsible for the design, construction and marketing of their products without our direct endorsement. We are also looking at some accessory ‘fuel caddy’ devices to offer additional fuel storage without replacement of the OE spec tank. I thought I would update you on the facts. We hear your requests and we are trying to provide some solutions. We won’t have the final answers for some time yet.

I can also assure you our engineers are working on counter-measures and tweaks for the majority of the complaints and suggestions we have received from the field including the forums but like the days of old, we won’t say anything until all the planets are aligned and the ’sun is eclipsed by the moon’ … or will we?

FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... C031
Un gros merci à Chris pour ses chronicles de plus en plus intéressante

Au bout d'une belle ligne droite.... Y'a toujours une courbe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... Passio12
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Nombre de messages : 14505
LOCALISATION (ville/city) : Laval & Lac Simon
VOS PRODUITS YAMAHA : Sidewinder LTX GT, GP 292 75, SL 338 72, SRX 18
Date d'inscription : 16/10/2005

FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres...   FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... EmptyMer 02 Mai 2007, 23:33

:rien compris: :lire: FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... C031

Pourtant les tank de moto sont toute gonflé et moulé pour bien ajuster pour les jambe .. juste a voir la photo sur le portail .

J'imagine que sa serais fesable , mais chu pas ingénieur FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... C031
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Nombre de messages : 2362
Age : 56
LOCALISATION (ville/city) : St-Apollinaire
VOS PRODUITS YAMAHA : SRViper LTX LE , Sidewinder Ltx Le et Grizzly 550 FI, Wolverine RMAX2
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2006

FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres...   FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... EmptyDim 06 Mai 2007, 07:43

En tout cas s' il y en a d' entres vous qui on des info sur des réservoirs d' appoint qu' on pourra installer sur les Nytro faites le nous savoir svp.

Je suis acheteur.


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FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres...   FX Nytro, explication du réservoir de 28 litres... Empty

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