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Changement de nom de ATTAK à APEX LTX 2021_m10
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 Changement de nom de ATTAK à APEX LTX

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Alain Vmax
Alain Vmax

Nombre de messages : 1797
Age : 56
LOCALISATION (ville/city) : Québec - Québec
VOS PRODUITS YAMAHA : Motoneige, Motocross, Vtt
Date d'inscription : 24/05/2006

Changement de nom de ATTAK à APEX LTX Empty
MessageSujet: Changement de nom de ATTAK à APEX LTX   Changement de nom de ATTAK à APEX LTX EmptyDim 11 Mar 2007, 08:41


Voici l'explication de pourquoi la motoneige Attak de Yamaha a changé de nom en 2008. Changement de nom de ATTAK à APEX LTX C0101

Bonne Journée

Extrait du site de Yamaha Sled Talk
Réponse de Chris Reid

:quoi: What is the deal with the names you use for the snowmobiles? Why change from Attak to LTX? :quoi:

The whole thing revolves around trade mark laws in each of the countries where snowmobiles are sold. Japan has the most stringent TM regulations, largely because of the global nature of their product distribution. Our factory must search and secure naming for the whole world before we can affix the name to a sled. What happened in the example of Attak, the name was OK for Canada and the USA but not Europe (consequently it could not be used at the point of manufacture). A similar problem surfaced on the Apex name where in Europe and Japan it was marketed as an RX-1. This presents a problem for marketing when we cannot share photography etc because of naming. The change to acronyms allows us to employ the same name right across the board without the risk of legal ‘cease and desist’ issues arising from other companies who may (or may not) have established rights to a name.
It is really hard to find a new name for any of our products that is available in all countries.


Au bout d'une belle ligne droite.... Y'a toujours une courbe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Changement de nom de ATTAK à APEX LTX Passio12
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Changement de nom de ATTAK à APEX LTX
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